Professional Services: We are able to provide a full service from inception to completion. We are also happy to offer any part of that service appropriate to our client’s needs. 

Briefly, our services comprise:

  • Initial Design and Advice: this is when we meet the client, take the brief and advise on the best way to achieve the desired objective. We provide sketch schemes for discussion after which the final proposal is prepared.

  • Consents: we would, as appropriate to the scheme, make applications for Planning Permission, Building Regulations consent and any other consent required, such as that of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust.

  • Prepare to Build: once the applications have been submitted (permissions either achieved or pending), we would help and advise our client on the selection of a contractor. We would also formulate and compile the documentation required, so that the contractor can gear up ready to commence works on site.

  • Project Management: after all the relevant consents are achieved and the date for commencement has been agreed, we would monitor the progress of the works on site. This would involve regular meetings as appropriate with our client, the contractor, any other consultant as necessary (eg: Structural Engineer), Building Inspector, etc. 

    We would ensure that the scheme drawn, is built as approved. However, as is sometimes the case on site, if any changes are required the client is always informed and involved in the decision making.